The Members are best viewed as guardians of the constitution, changing the Articles if necessary and ensuring the charitable objects are fulfilled. The Members appoint some of the Trustees and can exercise powers to appoint and remove Trustees. The Academy Trust will ordinarily have five Members.
Trust Governance
The Trustees, who sit on the Trust Board, have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Academy Trust, including the establishment and maintenance of the Academies.
The Trust Articles of Association set out the charitable objects of NET along with its governance composition and overarching procedures. They are on the Trust website.
The Trust Board delegates authority and responsibility for a range of duties to the following in order to ensure effective leadership and governance of the Trust:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Finance and Resources Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Executive Pay Committee
- Educational Standards and Safeguarding Committee
- Local Committees
The details of who is responsible for different levels of decision are presented in the Trust Scheme of Delegation which can be accessed here.
Trust Governance
NET is a Multi Academy trust (MAT) that is responsible for all the schools in the Trust.
There are three layers of governance in the Trust:
- Members
- Trustees
Local Committees
Accountability and responsibility for governance of the Trust and its schools rests at Trust Board level and the Board decides which functions it will reserve for itself and which will be delegated to Committees.
The details of the roles and responsibilities of each layer of governance and the Committees are set out in the NET Scheme of Delegation which is on our website.
The Committees are:
- Finance and Resources Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Executive Pay Committee
- Educational Standards and Safeguarding Committee
- Local Committees